The Dromard andouillette© occupies a special place in local gastronomy !
Invented in 1978 by Mr. Gérard DROMARD, a tripe maker who had settled in Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule, the andouillette Dromard© is patented and handcrafted by the Marmitons du Roi de l’Andouillette, in the same shop where it was invented.
This high-end andouillette is defatted and very digestible. It is made up of straps pulled with a string and is odorless ! They should be cooked in a pan with a litte butter and oil, over low heat, 10mn on each side, without piercing or coering them, and tasted simply, or just accompanied by cream mixed with Charroux mustard made handmade in the eponymous village.
The Dromard andouillette© is closed at its ends by a green string for the one with Charroux mustard and by a red string for the basic one.
© Moutarde de Charroux The Marmitons’ boutique © OT Val de Sioule
Jean-Luc PETITRENAUD and Jean-Pierre COFFE have recognized Dromard© andouillettes as some of the best in France !